“True entrepreneurs” will survive the crisis

The Corona pandemic firmly suppresses the economy for months now. Lufthansa, KarstadtKaufhof,– German examples of established companies that are being pushed to their limits by the pandemic. We hear and read of such troubles on a daily basis. Read More

Creapaper successfully completes Series B financing round

Creapaper GmbH, the pioneer in grass paper and provider of grass paper products, has successfully completed the Series B financing round. As new investors Creapaper welcomed four family office investors based in Germany, among others from the paper industry and the consumer goods sector. Read More

Creapaper schließt erfolgreich Series B Finanzierungsrunde ab

Creapaper, der Pionier bei Graspapier und Anbieter von Graspapier-Produkten, hat erfolgreich die Series B Finanzierungsrunde abgeschlossen. Als neue Investoren konnte Creapaper vier in Deutschland ansässige Family-Office-Investoren, u.a. aus der Papierindustrie und dem Konsumgütersektor begrüßen. Read More

Dirk Seewald new Partner at eCAPITAL

eCAPITAL AG is expanding its management team and had Dirk Seewald, an experienced expert for enterprise software, data security and IoT, joining the partnership as of October 1, 2019. Read More

Dirk Seewald neuer Partner bei eCAPITAL

Die eCAPITAL AG erweitert ihre Führungsriege und hat mit Dirk Seewald zum 1. Oktober 2019 einen erfahrenen Experten für Enterprise Software-, Datensicherheit und IoT in den Partnerkreis aufgenommen. Read More