VC-Stammtisch May 2022
VC-STAMMTISCHOn every last Tuesday of the month, eCAPITAL, together with Tigges Rechtsanwälte and Grant Thornton, offers entrepreneurs and investors a platform for information and exchange on current economic developments and trends.
We cordially invite you to our next VC-Stammtisch Düsseldorf on
Tuesday, 31 May 2022, 12:30 p.m.
We would like to welcome Dr. Johannes Velling (Head of Department “Digitalisation and Foreign Trade” in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Innovation, Digitalisation and Energy (MWIDE), NRW) as speaker on the topic “Start-up Ecosystem in NRW – an assessment of the situation”, who will address the following topics in his keynote speech:
- Where do we stand in NRW?
- What are the most important approaches (so far) of state policy?
- Where should we go in the new legislative period?
Bocconcino Restaurant
Kaistraße 4-6
40221 Düsseldorf
We look forward to your participation! Please register by e-mail ( by 30 May 2022.