VC-Stammtisch February 2022
VC-STAMMTISCHWe cordially invite you to the digital Venture Capital-Stammtisch Düsseldorf on
Tuesday, 22 February 2022, 13:00pm!
As speakers on the topic “Success story of the GESSI standard agreements – also interesting for VC?” we would like to welcome Dr. Roland Kirchhof (Board of Directors Business Angels Netzwerk Deutschland (BAND)) and Dr. Ute Günther (Board of Directors BAND, Vice President Business Angels Europe (BAE)).
What are the objectives of the standard contracts of the German Standard Setting Institute (GESSI) and how do they differ from other contract models? What are the key points of the most important documents? Do the contracts also have an influence on the drafting of contracts by VC?
Join us when Dr Roland Kirchhof and Dr Ute Günther discuss the GESSI standard contracts on 22 February 2022. Please register by email ( by 21 February 2022. After your registration you will receive the access data for the digital Venture Capital-Stammtisch.