VC-Stammtisch, April 2021
VC-STAMMTISCHAfter a break of exactly one year due to the pandemic, we would like to revive the 25-year tradition of our monthly Venture Capital Roundtables – but for well-known reasons, for the time being and until further notice, digitally. We therefore cordially invite you to our next Venture Capital Roundtable Düsseldorf on
Tuesday, 27 April 2021 at 1.00 pm!
We would like to start after the Corona break with a Q&A event. As a discussion guest, moderator Paul-Josef Patt, Managing Partner eCAPITAL, will welcome the founding director of the Agency for Disruptive Innovation (SprinD) and former CEO of Open-Xchange AG, Rafael Laguna de la Vera.
Who is Rafael Laguna? What would he change in Germany? What are we responsible for? Why do we need an agency for disruptive innovation and what are its tasks? Rafael Laguna will answer these and many more questions, which you can ask live via the chat function during the Q&A, in conversation with Paul-Josef Patt.
Join us and exchange views with Rafael Laguna via live chat on 27 April 2021. We look forward to your participation. Please register by email ( by 26 April 2021. After your registration, you will receive the access data for the digital Venture Capital Roundtable.